NOTE: Times shown are in Mountain Time (GMT -7:00)
This is Workshop is a Follow-Up Workshop from the Oct 5 & 6, 2020 Workshop, “Sharpening Your Focus and Going Deeper in EFT.” Only those who have taken the October 5 & 6, 2020 Workshop or it’s comparable can attend this Follow-Up Workshop.
This Follow-Up Workshop will focus on showing you how to apply George’s micro-moves as you work with your clients. He will bring alive the “how to’s” of applying intention and focus to handling escalated couples, stuck places, emotional blocks and incapacitating vulnerabilities through:
Q & A
Showing and analyzing his teaching videos
Participants showing their videos
Exercises focusing on developing specific skills such as:
Green, yellow, & red light
The Tourniquet
Picking up Blocks
Any requests from participants
Participants are expected to be very familiar with George’s 156 slides that cover the theory. Any theory George presents in this Follow-Up Workshop only be in the context of responding to specific questions. There will be no formal lecturing.
George Faller, LMFT
George Faller is a retired Lieutenant of the NYC Fire Department, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New York and Connecticut and an Approved Supervisor for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. He is the founder and President of the New York Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). As an EFT Trainer, George teaches several classes at the Ackerman Institute for the Family (the oldest family institute in the United States) in NYC, is a board member of the Porter Cason Institute for the Family at Tulane University in New Orleans and is the director of training at the Center for Hope and Renewal in Greenwich, Ct. Specializing in trauma, Family EFT, and self-of-the-therapist issues, George is committed to bringing EFT to underprivileged populations and pushing the leading edge of effective therapy. George hopes his books True Connection, Sacred Stress and the Emotionally Focused Family Therapy contributes to the EFT movement of making our world a more secure place.
April 19 & 20, 2021, Monday/Tuesday, 9 am – 4:30 pm, MST, each day.
Using Zoom. A link for the Workshop will be sent the week of April 12th.
In order to recognize that therapists have been financially impacted by COVID19, the EFTEC (EFT Edmonton Community) Collegium has reduced the cost of this Workshop from $650 to $455CAD funds. There is no early bird, group, or student rate.
If you have additional questions, please contact: Murray Armstrong at or at 780-444-4399.