EFT Core Skills Training:
Is the next level of training required in order to become a Certified EFT Therapist and follows the 4-day Externship.
CS is 5 - 2 Day Trainings with each Training held once a month for 5 months in a row.
Dates for this CS Training are:
CS 1 – September 22 & 23, 2023, Robin Williams Blake, Trainer.
CS 2 – October 29 7 30, ,2023, Elana Katz, joining us via Zoom
CS 3 – November 24 & 25, 2023, Robin Williams Blake.
CS 4 – January 14 & 15, 2024, Elana Katz joining us via Zoom
CS 5 – February 23 & 24, 2024, Murray Armstrong heads up a team of Senior Clinicians.
CS 1 – 4 goes from 9 am – 4:30 pm MT.
CS 5 typically goes from 10 am – 3 pm each day.
Participants video clips are reviewed with the focus of deepening participants understanding of how to apply the theory to actual clinical practice.
CS 1-4 focus on the key skills learned at the Externship from each of the 3 Stages and 9 Steps of EFT. The 5 Basic Moves of EFT are called the EFT Tango and are integrated into the basic structure of the Stages and Steps of EFT. The Stages and Steps give the EFT a conceptual framework to understand where the Therapist is in leading clients through the Stages and Steps of the EFT Model. The Tango guides the therapist in the actual process of taking their client(s) through the Stages and Steps. More simply put, the Stages and Steps gives the therapist the conceptual framework of the EFT model and the Tango gives the Therapist the “how to” take the client(s) through the Stages and Steps.
CS 5 has each participant will present a video or under exceptional circumstances, an audio of their own work with either an EFT Supervisor, Supervisor-in-Training, Certified EFT Therapist, and/or Senior Clinician and a small group of other participants. If the presentation component is not fulfilled at that time, then arrangements can be made to present a video/audio work with an ICEEFT-certified trainer or supervisor in a group setting.
Missed Hours
CS Participants are required to attend all classes and participate in all experiential exercises and must get permission from the Senior Supervisor if exceptional circumstances necessitate someone being absent for any portion of the CS Training.
Participants are REQUIRED to have completed an EFT Externship and be willing to participate in exercises and role plays.
Learning Goals & Syllabus
See the full brochure for the learning goals and course syllabus.
Trainers and Recommended Reading
The presents will be Robin Williams Blake and Elana Katz, both ICEEFT trainers and supervisors. They will be assisted by Murray Armstrong, certified supervisor.
For more information on the trainers as well as a list of recommended readings, please see the full brochure.
The cost is $2,750 CAD payable all up front or in five monthly payments of $550. Please note that if you’re paying via monthly payments, payment for each session will be required at least two weeks ahead of the session. In order to meet our expenses we cannot offer an early bird or student rate.
Registration is currently full. If you wish to be added to a waitlist, please e-mail admin@eftedmonton.com
if you have any questions, please contact Melissa at admin@eftedmonton.com.